Red Gum Honey
Produced by bees foraging on responsibly managed Red Gum trees, Red Gum is highly prized Australian antimicrobial honey. The Red Gum tree is native only to certain parts of Western Australia and since these areas are among the last remaining disease and pest free areas of the world, our Red Gum honey is produced without the use of pesticides. Red Gum trees grow up to 60 metres tall, yet they only flower from December to January, every two years. Each flower doesn’t last long, giving local bees only a few weeks every other year to produce this rare honey. Red Gum 10+ honey is clear and golden in colour with a sweet, mild flavour. It has a firm consistency with a granular texture.
Red Gum honeycomb is rich gold in colour, with a sweet, mild flavour. Waxy and deliciously sticky in consistency, this is honey with texture. Red Gum honey is great on waffles, in salad dressings and sauces as well as being perfect to use as an exfoliating facemask or to soothe sore throats and coughs.
Supports prevention, restoration and healing.
Jarrah honey is semi dark amber in colour with a rich and full bodied, yet smooth and delicate caramel flavour. It has a thick syrup consistency. This honey is great drizzled over fresh fruit, yoghurt or porridge

Jarrah honey is known as Australia’s healing honey, due to its high antimicrobial properties, which can inhibit bacterial growth, reduce infections and enhance healing. It is also perfect to use for facemasks as well as in medical dressings to help kill bacteria in infected wounds or burns.
Supports prevention, restoration and healing.
It is unique to a specific area of protected forest in Western Australia, considered to be one of the last disease and pest free areas in the world, so no insecticides or pesticides are used in these apiaries. The majestic Jarrah tree can live for over 1000 years but only flowers once every two years from December to January, making Jarrah honey extremely rare.